Tanzil Academy Summer Camp


This for is for students who can only make it from JULY onwards. Prices are prorated. 

Please take your time and read carefully. You may choose your interested options and we will follow up with more details and registration. 

Tanzil Academy operates only from student fees.  Unfortunately, There are no  discounts or financial aid available at this time.

Summer Weekday Camp

July 5th– July 24th

(11 total days of class)

Early mornings with Sh Hassan

9-11AM , Mon - Thu

Target audience: Beginner to intermediate Quran Reciters

Price: $225

Min 5 students

Ages 5-9 yrs

Book Read: Names of Allah SWT 

Story time:  Mighty Muslim Heroes by Tamara Haque 


Late mornings with Sh Hassan

11AM -2PM, Mon - Thu

Target audience: Experienced Quran Reciters interested in pursuing Hifdh in the future. Boys Only

Price: $300

Min 5 students

Ages 12+

Book Read: Meeting Muhammad S.A.W by Omar Suleiman and  Social etiquette of Prophet S.A.W by Imam Ghazali


Late mornings With Ust Husna

11AM-2PM, Mon – Thu

Target Audience: Experienced Quran Reciters interested in pursuing Hifdh in the future. Girls only

Price $300

Min 5 students

Book Read: Angels in your Presence by Omar Suleiman and - Social etiquette of the Prophet S.A.W by Imam Ghazali


Evenings With Sh Hassan/ H Rehan

4 30-7PM, Mon – Thu

Target Audience : beginner to intermediate Quran Reciters.

Price $300

Min: 8 Students

Book Read:  Social etiquette of the Prophet S.A.W by Imam Ghazali

Story Time: The conquest and fall of Constantinople.